Convene - CMP Series Quizzes

Convene CMP Series: August 2018 (cmpseries8.18)

Article: 'An Exciting City Environment'

Objective: What’s the common denominator in the perception of large and small cities as desirable places to live, work, or visit as a tourist or attendee? It’s their vibrancy, according to one destination-branding firm, which has found a new way to measure just that.

Clock Hour(s): 1 EIC Domain: Domain G: Meeting or Event Design

  • Quiz
  • CMP Series: August 2018 Quiz
  • Required Reading
  • An Exciting City Environment
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tier Cities: What do the Designations Really Mean?
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "CMP Series: August 2018 Quiz"