Convene - CMP Series Quizzes

Convene CMP Series: June 2019 (cmpseries6.19)

Article: Wisdom of the Ages

Age discrimination in the workplace is routinely called "the last acceptable prejudice". Here's what an ageism activist, communications exec, and serial hospitality entreprenuer say about why a truly inclusive and diverse workforce must be multi-generational - and what that looks like and how it benefits society as a whole.

Clock Hour(s): 1.0 EIC Domain: Domain E: Human Resources

  • Quiz
  • CMP Series: June 2019 Quiz
  • Required Reading
  • Wisdom of the Ages: Ending the ‘Last Acceptable Prejudice’
  • Why the Over-50 Crowd Still Matters for Events
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "CMP Series: June 2019 Quiz"